Tuesday, March 16, 2010

1 here, 2 to go!

This morning at 1:45am, a little miracle arrived in Pittsburgh! My cousin, Maggie, gave birth to her daughter, Penelope Ann. Penny joins her big sister, Lilly who just turned 3 in February. Our prayers were certainly answered since Maggie had a very long labor with Lilly and ended up needing a c-section, but this time around everything went smoothly and she had a successful VBAC! I'm looking forward to meeting my new little cousin.

Next week, my Aunt Annie is scheduled for a c-section to deliver her little one. I'll be sure to post stats on both new babies once I get that information.  I love that all three of us have decided to be surprised about whether the baby is a boy or a girl. So far- Girls: 1 Boys: ?

1 comment:

  1. Kelly-

    Are you getting excited? I keep checking on your site for any news . . .

    Keep us posted and know you are in my prayers!

    Love to you both,
