Friday, April 16, 2010

The Waiting Game...

At 39 weeks with no progress made at all, I'm getting a little impatient with our baby. It's just that I can't wait to meet him or her and knowing that I can do nothing to speed up the arrival of our bundle of joy is frustrating. However, there is a plus side to the 'no progress' report from Dr. M- Daniel and I are taking a weekend trip to visit his parents. They're only a few hours away and it will be nice to get in one more pre-baby visit.

As we continue to wait for the baby, we also continue to prepare ourselves for parenthood. Our monitor, high chair, baby tub and some other items arrived this week and they've all been set up. We took an Adult/Infant CPR class on Wednesday morning and both passed the final test. It was a great class that covered CPR, working an AED, as well as how to help someone who is choking. We made a trip to Lowes earlier this week for some more finishing touches to the house and ordered a beautiful coffee table and end table set from a local furniture store that will be here in a few weeks. With Daniel's beautiful installation of our living room curtains and a shelf in the bathroom, our dresser delivered yesterday (it would've been accompanied by our mirror but that broke before it even got here so they are sending us a new one- whenever that will be!), and our wonderful, comfy couches residing in the living room, our house finally feels like a real home.

We also received our video camera that we ordered from Sears. We're really happy that it arrived before the baby did! It will be wonderful to capture our baby's life on tape (or digital memory, as in this case) right from the beginning. I'll be sure to post little clips on here so all of you can meet our bundle of joy.


  1. Spicy food & sex. Known to pop babies right out of women for centuries! :)

  2. We'll be there soon. We are packing our bags. love, mom and gracie
