Friday, January 22, 2010

March for Life

Today in Washington, D.C. thousands of pro-lifers will march through the streets to voice the rights of the unborn. As much as I'd love to be there, it wasn't possible to go this year. However, I joined the Virtual March for Life and you can too! Just click this link!!

Here are a couple pictures from my previous trips to D.C. to defend the most vulnerable. Because "a person's a person, no matter how small"- Dr. Seuss

March for Life 2009- Daniel and I

March for Life 2007- Sharon, Mary Beth and Me
Our shirts read "Abortion Kills Future Feminists" on the front and
on the back they said "Belles Ringing for Life" (Our school mascot is the Belle.)


  1. Ah, March for Life 2007, the first time I ran into the crazy St. Mary's girls. My life would never be the same. :)

  2. Thanks for all the updates. I love your pics and all the news. Today at Mass I pointed out Clare Hess saying that she went to ND and knows you. Grace said: Don't rub it in. I said, "Rub what in?" She said: Missing Kell.
