Thursday, January 21, 2010

Nesting Without A Nest

Though I've enjoyed the Alabama winter (Upper 50s and Sunny on several days so far), it's difficult to be completely at ease as I enter my third trimester and still don't have a permanent nest to prepare for our little bundle of joy. We are #5 on the waiting list for a base house, but when Daniel last spoke to the privatized company who assigns houses, he was told that they wouldn't be putting any new families in houses on base until February.... 2011! This is absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable in my mind, but there is little that we can do. Daniel plans to make some calls to see if anything can be done. We're also going to start looking at houses and apartments to rent near the base. Keep us in your prayers- this is all really frustrating and aggravating!

While we continue our stay in Alabama, I'm finding other ways to prepare for our baby. I've finished the set of booties and scratch mitts that our little one will wear once he or she arrives. I also have made sets for other babies due to arrive and add to our family weeks before I'm supposed to deliver. I'll post pictures soon! I started a sweater made out of beautiful red (alpaca wool)and cream (merino wool) yarn for when the baby is a little older (6-9 months) and when the weather will be cooler. After getting my Baby Bundle from OB Orientation at Vance, I'm now equipped with 2 great books and have finished "Heading Home With Your Newborn"- a read I would highly recommend for any first time parents. Daniel plans to read it once he finishes another book he's reading.

The next 'nesting' item on my To Do List is to research baby gear, so if anyone has any suggestions on monitors, car seats, strollers, etc, please comment on this post or email me. I'd love to hear from you!

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