Monday, June 27, 2011

And I'm back!

Greetings everyone! It's been a very long time and I thought I'd take this post to explain my hiatus and catch you up on our life.

Back in September, things got a little crazy with Daniel's Air Force career and pilot training sort of stopped for us. He was dizzy all the time and we were freaking out about possible reasons. The medical personnel were less than helpful and suggested everything from dehydration to a brain tumor but after 2 and 1/2 months, someone diagnosed Daniel in 45 minutes with a slight problem with his ocular-vestibular connection (between his eyes and his brain) and gave him exercises to fix it. And he's been 100% since January- Alleluia!

After that, it was on to figuring out what was going to happen to pilot training and after a very long process, it was decided that Daniel would be removed from UPT with the understanding that the door was still open for reapplying in the future- once he was asymptomatic for 12 months.

In the mean time, the USAF would reclassify him so that he'd have an official job which would be beneficial to his overall military career. While we had to play the waiting game (the military's FAVORITE) for a few more months, we finally have some information on where we're headed and what Dan will be doing!

He found out on Thursday that he'll be a cyberspace operations officer and it looks like we'll be PCSing (moving all of our stuff there) to Keesler AFB in Biloxi, Mississippi! We're really excited about the next step in our great big adventure!

I think I've rattled on long enough- I'll post more soon, promise!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you guys finally know!!! You'll be close Louisiana and Florida for fun times!!! (My family is in southern LA). Good luck!
