Thursday, February 4, 2010

Baby Update

As my belly grows and it gets harder to see my feet, I'm getting very excited to welcome our little one. I'll be 29 weeks along tomorrow which means I've been in my third trimester for 2 weeks. It's hard to believe that in less than 3 months we'll finally meet our baby. Here is the most recent picture of my baby bump taken at 28 weeks:
I finally started working on a baby registry to make a list of all of the items we need for baby. I'm still researching strollers and car seats but we did pick out our high chair. Another ASBC wife, Desiree, who is a mom of 2, showed me her high chair and what she liked about it- removable tray insert, recline feature, and an adjustable height for when the baby is big enough to sit at the table. She found hers on and I was able to find a similar model at Babies R Us.

Earlier this week, I recieved a beautiful gift from a fellow member who is also due in April. We had set up a gift exchange among a group of "April Due Drops" and I received 2 adorable long-sleeved onesies made from organic material. Both are in neutral colors- green and yellow- and one has a pea pod on top of a globe and says "Peas on Earth." I'm looking forward to shopping for more baby clothes and having my baby wear booties, socks and the sweater that I've knit!

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